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Chapter 1. Understanding Android Wearables……
Introducing Android wearables
Understanding the Android Wear architecture
Setting up an Android development environment
Building a simple Android wearable application
Chapter 2. Creating Notifications
Introducing Android notifications
Creating a basic notification for wearables
Creating a custom notification for wearables
Receiving voice input within a notification
Receiving multiple notifications through a process called page stacking
Chapter 3. Creating Debugging and Packaging Wearable Apps
Creating an Android wearable watch face app
Presenting information inside the WatchFace class
Creating a custom watch face service class
Debug your Android wearable app over Bluetooth
Running apps directly on an Android Wear device
The Android wearable user interface guidelines
Packaging your Android wearable application
Chapter 4. Sending and Syncing Data
Creating a wearable send and receive application
Creating a UI for the mobile activity
Creating a UI for the wear activity
Establishing connections for the mobile activity
Sending messages to the Android wearable
Receiving messages using MessageAPI
Transferring image data to the Android wearable
Receiving image data using DataApi
Chapter 5. Working with Google Glass
Installing the Glass Development Kit preview
Installing the Google USB drivers for Windows
Creating and building a Google Glass application
Launching the app within Google Glass
An introduction to GDK and the Google Mirror API
The Google Glassware principle design guidelines
Chapter 6. Designing and Customizing Interfaces for Android TV
Creating and building an Android TV application
Customizing the Android TV user interface
The Android TV user interface design guidelines
更新时间:2021-07-16 13:31:53