1 How Things Started
1 万物起源
2 People Who Lived in Caves
2 生活在洞穴里的人
3 Fire!Fire!Fire!
3 火!火!火!
4 From an Airplane
4 从飞机上向下看
5 Real History Begins
5 真正的历史由此开始
6 The Puzzle Writers in Egypt
6 埃及谜语
7 The Tomb Builders
7 修建坟墓的人
8 A Rich Land Where There Was No Money
8 没有钱的富庶之地
9 The Jews Search for a Home
9 犹太人寻找家园
10 Fairy-Tale Gods
10 神话传说中的神灵
11 A Fairy-Tale War
11 一场传说中的战争
12 The Kings of the Jews
12 犹太诸王
13 The People Who Made Our ABC’s
13 发明文字的人
14 Hard as Nails
14 铁石心肠
15 The Crown of Leaves
15 桂冠
16 A Bad Beginning
16 邪恶的开端
17 Kings with Corkscrew Curls
17 一头卷发的国王
18 A City of Wonders and Wickedness
18 奇迹和邪恶并存的城市
19 A Surprise Party
19 宴会奇袭
20 The Other Side of the World:India
20 世界的另一边:印度
21 All the Way Around the World in China
21 概说中国
22 Rich Man Poor Man
22 富人、穷人
23 Rome Kicks Out Her Kings
23 罗马废除国王
24 Greece vs.Persia
24 希腊对波斯
25 Fighting Mad
25 战争狂人
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26 One Against a Thousand
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26 以一敌千
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27 The Golden Age
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27 黄金时代
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28 When Greek Meets Greek
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28 当希腊人遇上希腊人
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29 Wise Men and Otherwise
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29 智者与庸人
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30 A Boy King
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30 少年国王
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31 Picking a Fight
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31 挑起争端
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32 The Boot Kicks and Stamps
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32 “靴子”左右出击
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33 The New Champion of the World
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33 新的世界霸主
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34 The Noblest Roman of Them All
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34 最高贵的罗马人
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35 An Emperor Who Was Made a God
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35 被奉为神灵的皇帝
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36 “Thine Is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory”
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36 “国度、权柄和荣耀,全是你的”
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37 Blood and Thunder
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37 鲜血与雷霆
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38 A Good Emperor and a Bad Son
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38 好皇帝,坏儿子
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39 I_H__S____V_____
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39 I_H__S____V_____
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40 Barbarian Invaders
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40 野蛮的侵略者
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41 Barbarians Meet the Champions of the World
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41 野蛮人碰上了世界霸主
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42 New Places—New Heroes
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42 新的地方,新的英雄
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43 Being Good
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43 为善
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44 A Christian Kingdom in Africa
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44 非洲的基督教王国
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45 Muhammad and the Early Years of Islam
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45 穆罕默德和早期的伊斯兰教
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46 Arabian Days
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46 阿拉伯时代
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47 Two Empires Two Emperors
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47 两个帝国,两位皇帝
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48 Getting a Start
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48 刚刚起步
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49 The End of the World
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49 世界末日
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50 Real Castles
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50 真正的城堡
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51 Knights and Days of Chivalry
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51 骑士和骑士时代
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52 A Pirate’s Great Grandson
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52 了不起的海盗后裔
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53 A Great Adventure
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53 一场伟大的探险
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54 Tick-Tack-Toe;Three Kings in a Row
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54 井字过三关;连续三王
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55 Three Kingdoms in West Africa
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55 西非三王国
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56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass
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56 石头与玻璃制成的《圣经》
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57 John Whom Nobody Loved
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57 没人喜欢的约翰
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58 A Great Story Teller
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58 了不起的故事先生
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59 “Thing-a-ma-jigger”and“What-cher-may-call-it”or a Magic Needle and a Magic Powder
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59 “小小装置”和“无名之物”,或者魔针和魔粉
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60 Thelon Gest Wart Hate Verwas
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60 史上最久的战争
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61 Print and Powder or Off with the Old On with the New
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61 印刷术和火药——弃旧迎新
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62 A Sailor Who Found a New World
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62 发现新大陆的水手
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63 Fortune Hunters
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63 淘金的人
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64 The Land of Enchantment or the Search for Gold and Adventure
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64 魅力之地:寻宝与冒险
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65 Along the Coast of East Africa
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65 东非沿海
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66 Rebirth
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66 重生
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67 Christians Quarrel
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67 基督徒反目
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68 Queen Elizabeth
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68 伊丽莎白女王
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69 The Age of Elizabeth
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69 伊丽莎白时代
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70 James the Servant or What’s in a Name?
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70 公仆詹姆斯
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71 A King Who Lost His Head
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71 掉了脑袋的国王
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72 Red Cap and Red Heels
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72 红帽子、红鞋跟
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73 A Self-Made Man
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73 白手起家的人
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74 A Prince Who Ran Away
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74 离家出走的王子
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75 America Gets Rid of Her King
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75 美国摆脱了国王
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76 Upside Down
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76 天翻地覆
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77 A Little Giant
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77 小个子巨人
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78 Latin America and the Caribbean Islands
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78 拉丁美洲和加勒比群岛
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79 From Pan and His Pipes to the Phonograph
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79 从潘及其排笛到留声机
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80 The Daily Papers of 1854—1865
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80 1854—1865年间的日报
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81 Three New Postage Stamps
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81 三枚新邮票
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82 The Age of Miracles
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82 奇迹时代
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83 A Different Kind of Revolution
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83 另类革命
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84 A World at War
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84 战火蔓延的世界
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85 A Short Twenty Years
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85 二十年,弹指一挥间
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86 Modern Barbarians
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86 现代“蛮子”
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87 Fighting the Dictators
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87 对抗独裁者
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88 A New Spirit in the World
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88 全球新精神
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89 A New BIG POWER in the World
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89 一个新的世界大国
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90 Yesterday Today and Tomorrow
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90 昨天、今天和明天
更新时间:2021-10-29 17:54:31