13 Electrical Properties of Crystals


体电学性质(electrical properties of crystals):晶体介质在外电场作用下所产生的电学物理量随外电场强度变化的性质。其中有:1)压电性:晶体在受到机械力作用时而在某些表面上出现电荷的现象,称正压电效应;在外电场的作用下而产生应变的现象,称反压电效应;2)热电性晶体由于温度的变化而在晶体表面上出现电荷的现象;3)温差电效应,指热能变成电能或电能变热能的转换现象。本文介绍了电子晶体的性质及应用。


One of the simplest and best-known kinds of crystal is the ionic salt, of which a typical example is sodium chloride or ordinary table salt. The fundamental components of an ionic salt are ions: atoms or molecules that have become electrically charged by gaining or losing one or more electrons. In forming sodium chloride, for example, sodium atoms give up an electron (thereby becoming positively charged) and chlorine atoms gain an electron (thereby becoming negatively charged). The ions are attracted to one another by their opposite charges, and they stack together compactlycompactly: with concise and precise brievity紧凑地,紧密地;简洁地, like tightly packed spheres.

Recently, scientists at Michigan State University created a new kind of crystal called an electrideelectride:电子晶体. In electrides, the anions (negative ions) are completely replaced by electrons, which are trapped in naturally formed cavitiescavity: a sizeable hole (usually in the ground)腔;洞,凹处 within a framework of regularly stackedstack: load or cover with stacks堆;堆叠 cations (positive ions). Electrides are the first examples of ionic salts in which all these anionic sites are occupied solely by electrons.

Unlike other types of anions, anionic electrons do not behave as if they were simple charged spheres. In particular, because of their low mass and their tendency to interact with one another over great distances, they cannot be “pinned down” to any one location. Instead, they wander close to and among the atoms lining the cavity and interact with electrons in nearby cavities, perhaps changing places with them.

The properties of an electride depend largely on the distance between the cavities that hold trapped electrons. When the trapped electrons are far apart, they do not interact strongly, and so behave somewhat like an array of isolated negative charges. When they are closer together, they begin to display properties associated with large ensembles of identical particles. When they are still closer, the ensemble properties dominate and the electrons“delocalize”: they are no longer tightly bound within individual cavities but are more or less free to pass through the spaces within the frame-work of positive ions.

By synthesizing electrides from a variety of materials, one can vary the geometry of the anionicanion: a negatively charged ion阴离子 cavities and their relation to the surrounding cationscation: a positively charged ion阳离子;正离子. The resulting properties may make it possible for electrides to become a basis for economically useful new materials and devices. For instance, because the electrons in some electrides are very weakly bound, these crystals could be effective as photosensitive detectors, in which an impingingimpinge: infringe upon撞击 photonphoton: a quantum of electromagnetic radiation; an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle光子;辐射量子;见光度 liberates an electron, resulting in a small electric current. The same weak binding could also make electrides useful in solar-energy converters and as cathodescathode: a negatively charged electrode that is the source of electrons entering an electrical device阴极 in batteries. One obstacle is the tendency of electrides to decompose through reaction with air and water. Researchers are seeking ways to increase their stability.







Sentence Translation


1. In forming sodium chloride, for example, sodium atoms give up an electron (thereby becoming positively charged) and chlorine atoms gain an electron (thereby becoming negatively charged).

2. When the trapped electrons are far apart, they do not interact strongly, and so behave somewhat like an array of isolated negative charges.


