- Mastering Metasploit
- Nipun Jaswal
- 580字
- 2021-06-30 14:50:42
Revisiting the case study
We were given an IP address of in order to test against known vulnerabilities. We followed a systematic approach, as follows:
- We created a new workspace using the workspace –a command for our test.
- We switched to the workspace using the workspace [workspace-name] command.
- We initialized a no ping Nmap scan against the target and found numerous open ports.
- The Nmap scan suggested that, on port 445 , an SMB service could be running on Windows 7-Windows 10.
- We initiated another Nmap scan, but this time, it was meant for only port 445. We did this using the smb-os-discovery script.
- We found that the results suggested that the operating system that's running was Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate edition.
- We knew that Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 are highly vulnerable against CVE-2017-0143, that is, the EternalBlue exploit.
- We initiated another Nmap scan, this time to confirm the presence of the vulnerability. We did this using the smb-vuln-ms17-010 script and found that the target was vulnerable.
- We reconfirmed the presence of this vulnerability using the auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010 Metasploit module, which also confirmed the presence of the vulnerability.
- We used the EternalBlue exploit module against the target and gained a system shell using a reverse TCP payload.
- We upgraded our shell to Meterpreter using the sessions –u command:
Figure 1.58 – Gaining initial access to the Windows 7 machine
- Next, we migrated from a PowerShell process to a system process to evade suspicious activity detection.
- We enumerated domain details and Domain Controller details using the enum_domain module.
- We found that the Domain Controller was on a separate network.
- We ran the arp command and found that the target range of the Domain Controller was accessible to the compromised host.
- We added a route to the target network range using the autoroute module.
- On the initially compromised host, we used the ps command and found that only a few processes were running with the domain administrator privileges.
- We loaded the incognito plugin on the Meterpreter shell and listed all the available tokens using the list_tokens command.
- We found that the administrator token could be used and we impersonated it using the impersonate_token command.
- Next, we put the session into the background using the background command and loaded the current_user_psexec module in Metasploit.
- We ran the module with SESSION as the one on the initially compromised host and set the Domain Controller as the target RHOST.
- We made sure that the payload was a bind TCP payload as the Domain Controller may not initiate a connection to us directly.
- We exploited the Domain Controller with SYSTEM-level privileges and gained Meterpreter access to it:
Figure 1.59 – Gaining access to the Domain Controller using a Windows 7 machine
- Next, we used the smart_hashdump module to dump all the hashes and loaded the mimikatz and kiwi plugins on the Meterpreter shell.
- We ran kerberos and the creds_all command from mimikatz and kiwi to find clear-text credentials of the user Apex on the Domain Controller machine.
To get the most out of the knowledge you've gained from this chapter, you should perform the following exercises:
- Refer to the PTES standards and deep dive into all the phases of a business-oriented penetration test.
- Try gaining access to the Domain Controller using the EternalBlue/EternalRomance exploits2.
- Try at least five post-exploitation modules other than the ones covered in this chapter.
- Try persistence on the compromised machines with and without an antivirus. Take note of the differences.