- Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang
- Bhagvan Kommadi
- 372字
- 2021-06-24 15:37:31
The adapter pattern provides a wrapper with an interface required by the API client to link incompatible types and act as a translator between the two types. The adapter uses the interface of a class to be a class with another compatible interface. When requirements change, there are scenarios where class functionality needs to be changed because of incompatible interfaces.
The dependency inversion principle can be adhered to by using the adapter pattern, when a class defines its own interface to the next level module interface implemented by an adapter class. Delegation is the other principle used by the adapter pattern. Multiple formats handling source-to-destination transformations are the scenarios where the adapter pattern is applied.
The adapter pattern comprises the target, adaptee, adapter, and client:
- Target is the interface that the client calls and invokes methods on the adapter and adaptee.
- The client wants the incompatible interface implemented by the adapter.
- The adapter translates the incompatible interface of the adaptee into an interface that the client wants.
Let's say you have an IProcessor interface with a process method, the Adapter class implements the process method and has an Adaptee instance as an attribute. The Adaptee class has a convert method and an adapterType instance variable. The developer while using the API client calls the process interface method to invoke convert on Adaptee. The code is as follows:
//main package has examples shown
// in Hands-On Data Structures and algorithms with Go book
package main
// importing fmt package
import (
//IProcess interface
type IProcess interface {
//Adapter struct
type Adapter struct {
adaptee Adaptee
The Adapter class has a process method that invokes the convert method on adaptee:
//Adapter class method process
func (adapter Adapter) process() {
fmt.Println("Adapter process")
//Adaptee Struct
type Adaptee struct {
adapterType int
// Adaptee class method convert
func (adaptee Adaptee) convert() {
fmt.Println("Adaptee convert method")
// main method
func main() {
var processor IProcess = Adapter{}
Run the following commands:
go run adapter.go
The following screenshot displays the output:

Let's take a look at Bridge pattern in the next section.