- Practical Internet of Things Security
- Brian Russell Drew Van Duren
- 494字
- 2025-02-25 22:00:47
The classic pillars of information assurance
It is nearly impossible to discuss practical aspects of threat, vulnerability, and risk without identifying the essential components of Information Assurance (IA), an important subdomain of IoT security. Succinctly, they are as follows:
- Confidentiality: Keeping sensitive information secret and protected from disclosure
- Integrity: Ensuring that information is not modified, accidentally or purposefully, without being detected
- Authentication: Ensuring that the source of data is from a known identity or endpoint (generally follows identification)
- Non-repudiation: Ensuring that an individual or system cannot later deny having performed an action
- Availability: Ensuring that information and capabilities are available when needed
Satisfying an information security goal does not necessarily imply that an organization has to keep all of the preceding assurances in place. Not all data requires confidentiality, for example. Information and data categorization is a complex topic in itself, and not all information is critically sensitive or important. Proper threat modeling of a device and its hosted applications and data requires an organization to identify the sensitivities of both individual data elements and data in aggregate form. Aggregation risks of large seemingly benign IoT datasets pose some of the most difficult challenges. Well-defined data categories and combinational constraints enable specific assurances such as confidentiality or integrity to be defined for individual data elements as well as more complex information types and aggregations.
The five pillars of IA each apply to the IoT because the IoT blends information with a device's environment, physicality, information, data sources, sinks, and networks. Beyond the pillars of IA, however, we must introduce two additional assurances that relate to cyber-physical aspects of the IoT, namely, resilience and safety. Resilience and safety engineering are closely related.
Resilience in the cyber-physical IoT relates to resilience of a cyber-physical control system:
(Source: Rieger, C.G.; Gertman, D.I.; McQueen, M.A. (May 2009), Resilient Control Systems: Next Generation Design Research, Catania, Italy: 2nd IEEE Conference on Human System Interaction.)
Safety in the cyber-physical IoT is defined as follows:
(Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/safety.)
The IoT's convergence of the five pillars of IA with resilience and safety necessitates adoption of security and safety approaches that simultaneously address both failure (fault) trees for safety and attack trees for security. Safety design decisions and security controls comprise the solution space wherein engineers must simultaneously address the following:
- Fault tree best practices to avoid common mode failures
- Appropriate risk-based security controls that help inhibit an adversary from compromising the system and wreaking havoc on safety controls and systems impacted by safety controls
An engineering approach is needed in the IoT that merges both attack and fault tree analysis to identify and resolve common mode failures and attack vectors. Isolated inspection of either tree may no longer be sufficient.