Installing LibreOffice

There may be times when you need to open up a spreadsheet to review IP ranges, or to quickly review your ROE. Sometimes, it is even nice to have your data collection tool export your data directly into a word processor from within Kali. There are many open source alternatives to Microsoft Word these days, and LibreOffice is at the top of this list. It has been adopted by many businesses and can output various file formats. There are limited options to install LibreOffice from within Kali 2.0 since, at the time of writing this, there were no installers available. In a terminal window, enter:

# apt-get remove libreoffice*

# wget

# wget

# sudodpkg-i libobasis*.deb libreoffice4.0-ure*.deb

# wget

# tar-xzvfLibreOffice_5.0.0_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz

# cd LibreOffice_5.0.0.5_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS

# sudodpkg -i *.deb

Once this installation has completed, you will have a powerful office suite to use for record keeping requirements in Kali Linux. If you want to explore the suite, enter:

# libreoffice5.0