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  1. Swift uses one of the following mechanisms to automatically deallocate the memory used by instances that aren't referenced anymore:
    1. Automatic Random Garbage Collector.
    2. Automatic Reference Counting.
    3. Automatic Instance Map Reduce.
  2. Swift executes an instance's deinitializer:
    1. Before the instance is deallocated from memory.
    2. After the instance is deallocated from memory.
    3. After the instance memory is allocated.
  3. A deinitializer:
    1. Can still access all of the instance's resources.
    2. Can only access the instance's methods but no properties.
    3. Cannot access any of the instance's resources.
  4. Swift allows us to define:
    1. Only one initializer per class.
    2. A main initializer and two optional secondary initializers.
    3. Many initializers with different arguments.
  5. Each time we create an instance:
    1. We must use argument labels.
    2. We can optionally use argument labels.
    3. We don't need to use argument labels.