What you need for this book

You can set up three different development environments for this book. You do not need to have all three environments; you can select one or give all of them a try!

  • For the first option, you need a browser. It is recommended to use one of the following browsers:
  • For the second option, you will need:
    • One of the browsers listed in the first option
    • A web server; if you do not have any web server installed in your computer, you can install XAMPP (https://www.apachefriends.org)
  • The third option is an environment 100 percent JavaScript! For this, you will need the following elements:
    • One of the browsers listed in the first option
    • Node.js (http://nodejs.org/)
    • After installing Node.js, install http-server (package) as follows:
      npm install http-server –g

You can find more detailed instructions in Chapter 1, JavaScript – A Quick Overview, as well.