
An expression is something that has a value. It can include numeric constants, quoted strings, variable names, unary and binary operations, and function calls.

Arithmetic operators

+, -, *, /, %, and ^ are called arithmetic operators.

The following is an example using Binary arithmetic operators:

t = 2*(2-5.5)/13+26
print(t)   -- 25.461538461538

The following is an example using the Modulo (division remainder) operator:

m = 18%4
print(m)    -- 2

The following is an example using the Power of operator:

n = 7^2
print(n)  --49

Relational operators

Relational operators always result in false or true and ask yes-or-no questions.

<,>, <=,>=, ==, and ~= are some of the relational operators.

The operator == tests for equality and the operator ~= is the negation of equality. If the value types are different, then the result is false. Otherwise, Lua compares the values to their types. Numbers and strings are compared in the usual way. Tables and functions are compared by reference, as long as two such values are considered equal only if they are the same object. When a new object is created, the new object is different from the previously existing one.

The following are the examples of relational operators. It will display a Boolean result and can't be concatenated with a string:

print(0 > 1)  --false
print(4 > 2)  --true
print(1 >= 1)  --true
print(1 >= 1.5)  --false
print(0 == 0)  --true
print(3 == 2)  --false
print(2 ~= 2)  --false
print(0 ~= 2)  --true

Logical operators

The logical operators in Lua are and, or, and not . All logical operators consider both false and nil as false and anything else as true.

The operator and returns its first argument if the value is false or nil; otherwise it returns its second argument. The operator or returns its first argument if the value is different from nil and false; otherwise, it returns its second argument. Both and and or use short-cut evaluation, which means, the second operand is evaluated only when necessary.

print(10 and 20)      -- 20
print(nil and 1)      -- nil
print(false and 1)    -- false
print(10 or 20)       -- 10
print(false or 1)     -- 1

The operator not always returns true or false:

print(not nil)      -- true
print(not true)    -- false
print(not 2)        -- false


The string concatenation operator in Lua is denoted by two dots ... It takes two strings as operands and splices them together. If any of its operands are numbers, then they are also converted to a string.

print("Hello " .. "World")  -- Hello World

myString = "Hello"
print(myString .. " World")   -- Hello World

Length operator

The length operator #, measures the length of a string. The length of a string is simply the number of characters in it. A character is considered as 1 byte.

print(#"*") --1
print(#"\n") --1
print(#"hello") --5
myName = "Jane Doe"
print(#myName) --8


Operator precedence in Lua is as follows, from higher to lower priority:

  • ^
  • not # - (unary)
  • * /
  • + -
  • ..
  • < > <= >= ~= ==
  • and
  • or

All binary operators are left associative, except for ^ exponentiation and .. concatenation, which are right associative. You can use parentheses to change the precedence of an expression.

In cases where two operands of the same precedence compete for operands, the operand belongs to the operator on the left:

print(5 + 4 – 2) -- This returns the number 7

The preceding expression shows both the addition and subtraction operators, which have equal precedence. The second element (the number 4) belongs to the addition operator, so the expression is evaluated mathematically as follows:

print((5 + 4) – 2) -- This returns the number 7

Let's focus on the rules of precedence based on priority. For example:

print (7 + 3 * 9) -- This returns the number 34

An inexperienced programmer might think that the value of the preceding example is 90, if it were evaluated from left to right. The correct value is 34 because multiplication has a higher precedence over addition, so it is performed first. Adding parentheses to the same expression will make it easier to read:

print (7 + (3 * 9)) -- This returns the number 34